Tuesday, February 08, 2005,11:13 PM
Attempting the impossibility
Well... Got myself a copy of The Da Vinci Code book today after spending sometime going around looking for it from KLCC Kinokuniya to Mid Valley MPH with a bunch of my Sri Garden classmates, Kian Fatt, Kien Weng and Najib. I had to settle on the thicker paperback version of the book (the one with the light-pastel-colored cover), although I really wanted to get the illustrated version with the Mona Lisa's eyes on the cover but alas, its out of stock in the two places I visited.

Managed to read the prologue and the 1st chapter before purchasing it, the book already got me a little over the excitement point, which is a good thing since most books, no matter how wonderfully great they are, will make me lose interest. And that's when I started to read for the sake of reading and not actually get the story in my head. Nope, this won't happen for this particular book, expecially after hearing so many good reviews from friends.

That's all for now, just a simple entry. And a greeting for all those who read this posting,

HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR! GONG XI FA CAI! May the new year bring you more success and happiness. =)

posted by azreey
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