Saturday, December 04, 2004,4:14 AM
Of studio, craziness, prom...
This blog is more than a month old..

A month has passed since the over-staying in the studios began.
A month has passed since we actually started becoming serious about doing work.
A month has passed since we spent more than what we have.
A month has passed since we made the studio our second home.
A month has passed since I actually enjoyed a good home-cooked meal.
A month has passed since we started seeing less of our home and more of our work.
A month had passed since those Need for Speed gaming madness in the studio began.

Our second home..

A lot has happened, and when one looks back, its amazing how we managed to get through this. Its a torture, those late night drives and poor diet surely has taken a toll on us. But its funny that among all this madness, we will surely discover something we never thought would ever happen. Sitting in the studio with a bunch of tracing paper and stinky blueprints really got some of us crazy. The fact that we could have completed all the work in half the time we spent doing it in the studio makes me feel frustrated sometimes, but this negativity will always be compensated by the company I had while doing work in the studio, the friends that had gone through the toughest times with us. Almost 3/4 of the time we were there were spent on talking, laughing, joking and in some cases, video-recording how foolish and stupid we can be sometimes. This led to the creation of some nonsense that a boy-band crazed school kid would have thought of. Taking candid photos and recording videos kept our spirits up all the way. Apart from the mental meltdown we experienced frequently, I never thought that life in the studio actually brought most of us together, and made closer ties with some people. Dinner together, playing games that wasted most of our times, fetching and sending friends home... Surely something for me to remember.

Taken after midnight, feels eerie but somewhat serene.

The prom got us doing something that I think most of us in the studios have never done it together before, shopping for clothes. Not just any clothes, clothes that will make us look like a member of the upper crust of the society, temporarily of course. Undoubtedly, it was one of the most stressful thing anyone would go through, especially the girls. Some guys would just march into a shop and will be out in a couple of minutes with a full bag, some would try to see any other attractive deals around, some just dont have a clue on what they want. I was in the latter category. From Sungei Wang, to Mid Valley and finally to Lot 10, we were a bunch of clueless people walking from one shop to another only to return to the one visited before. This lasted for 4 tiring but unforgettable days. And I got myself something that made me looked like those city living-yuppies that cost me almost 2 weeks' worth of spending. I swear I wont be spending anything more than 100 bucks for the next couple of months. Its crazy but at the same time, wonderful. And then comes the prom night, didnt expect much at that night, although hoped that it'll go fine (it did go well). Eveyone was happy, the king and queen looked good that night and so was everyone else, dressed at their best. And I didnt leave empty handed, I got myself a brand new snow cap, a compass and a pen, kinda little, but what the heck.

Oh man... Gotta continue this some other time...
posted by azreey
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  • At 5:11 AM, December 08, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous

    eh azree! chern here. never knew you started a blog..
    nice photo of the "windowless corridor.." ;-)


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