Saturday, October 16, 2004,12:48 AM
First blog..
Well, this is my first and only blog I've ever made (might be the last too), interestingly, I've never really understood the function of a blog, is it a place for anyone to just rant about what's going on in their life? A place to post about a person's observation or what they believe in? I dont know... Whatever it is, its a great tool to.. just type your heart out.

Coincidentally, the start of this blog marks a major turning point in my life. For the better or worse, it's up to time to tell. All the things which happened within the past few weeks has knocked me out of my seat. From the fateful unforgetable incident in Langkawi to my self-realisation about the things that I've subconciously done in the past few months (rather not talk about it, its so depressing and makes me feel rather suicidal about it). In short, it's like a renewal phase of my life, I won't expect things to change overnight, and I won't repeat the mistakes I've done in the past. A bittersweet moment in life....
posted by azreey
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