That nostalgic feeling...
Its a rainy night here in Bangi, just like yesterday.. Curiously, this series of rainy days have ignited this longing in me to return to the good old days in of the first semester college. When the thing i cared the most was just to... get home n watch tv till my eyes starts to act against me. That transition period from the sickening but memorable days of going to school, to life in college had an effect in me that lasts till today. As i watch Channel V playing retro music from the 90's, i feel so relaxed just like those days in sem 1. Ahhh... Robbie Williams' "Millenium" is on now.. damn this soft, warm feeling in me! Maybe its just Ramadhan is getting into me, all empty at daytime and a sudden surge of sugar, fat, carbohydrate and protein at dusk is creating this fuzzy feeling.. To hell with it..
Anyway, was just trying out the functions are having here, n just to add some color to this dull page i've uploaded this photo taken during my photo-taking mood last week.. I was heading home one fine day and noticed the pedestrian bridge spanning across LDP near Sunway toll plaza (yes, that's LCS in the background, our so-called campus), so I took my cam, went up there and took this shot. Its amazing how different things will look at an angle you've never seen...