Wednesday, February 02, 2005,2:52 AM
Scent of a Woman
....Out of order, I'll show you out of order! You don't know what out of order is Mr. Trask! I'd show you but I'm too old, I'm too tired, and I'm too fuckin' blind. If I were the man I was five years ago I'd take a flame-thrower to this place. Out of order, who the hell do you think you're talking to? I've been around you know? There was a time I could see. And I have seen, boys like these, younger than these, their arms torn out, their legs ripped off. But there isn't nothin' like the sight of an amputated spirit, there is no prosthetic for that. You think you're merely sending this splendid foot-soldier back home to Oregon with his tail between his legs but I say that you are executing his soul. And why? Because he's not a Baird man. Baird men, you hurt this boy, you're going to be Baird Bums, the lot of ya. And Harry, Jimmy, Trent, wherever you are out there, fuck you too.....

....I can tell ya this, he won't sell anybody out to buy his FUTURE, and that, my friends, is called integrity - that's called courage- now that's the stuff leaders SHOULD be made of.....

....Now I have come to the crossroads in my life. I always knew what the right path was. Without exception, I knew, but I never took it. You know why? It was too damn hard. Now here's Charlie. He's come to the crossroads. He has chosen a path. It's the right path. It's a path made of principle that leads to character. Let him continue on his journey. You hold this boy's future in your hands committee. It's a valuable future. Believe me. Don't destroy it. Protect it. Embrace it. It's gonna make ya proud one day, I promise you.....

Al Pacino in Scent of a Woman. Powerful, striking and bold words. Just came back from college with a dampen spirit and hoo ha! What do you know? Scent of a Woman was on Cinemax. I managed to catch it when it was at its climax ( I think), when Pacino was in the school hall with Chris O'Donnell by his side in a something that looks like a court proceeding. And out go these words when Pacino stood up for O'Donnell. It was explosive, it gave me strength and spirit, just when I needed it. I love this movie and to anyone out there reading this, WATCH IT. And if you happen to have a DVD for this movie, just drop me a message, I'd like to... you know, borrow it if can. I'd say its one of Al Pacino's best performance on the silver screen. It makes you wanna watch it over and over again.

*Quotes from the movie were taken from :
posted by azreey
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