Wednesday, January 05, 2005,2:09 AM
Okay, another year has passed, another round of what seemed to be an eternity of "roller-coaster ride". 2004 has been a very wild ride, full of ups and downs, and countless events that will stay in this distorted psyche of mine forever. On a wider scope, the world is no less different, Iraq is still obliterated from within by suicide bombers, George "Dubya" Bush got relected (why him???), Arafat died, Malaysia was beaten by Indonesia in the Tiger Cup semi-final (audiences were fighting, pathetic.. Not to mention the Myanmar-Singapore match, it was even worse, Myanmars supportes and players are just a bunch of a**holes, no offence, just watch the match and you'll see why) and more recently the tsunami which struck 11 nations around the Indian Ocean (my deepest synpathy to those affected). There is always a surprise at the corner of the street, always something waiting to strike you when you least expected.

Nothing much to write now, just to commemorate the arrival of 2005, although its almost 5 days late... Just keeping my blog alive. Till next time.
posted by azreey
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