Wednesday, May 03, 2006,12:05 AM
It's been...
It's been two months and eleven days since...

...I drove my wonderful Wira, oh how I miss the feel of the steering wheel.

...I tasted the best Nasi Lemak in KL.

...I played a round of pool in Cue Ball Pool in Ampang.

...I had tasted the tentalizing feel of a shisha.

...I experienced the infamous KL traffic jams.

...I felt the tropical sun burning my skin.

...I cuddled my pet cats.

...I had a good teh O ais limau on a hot afternoon in KL.

...I had to pay tolls on the KL-Seremban Highway.

...I watched MTV and Channel V.

...I enjoyed unlimited downloads and bandwith on Streamyx.

...I felt the craziness of KL shopping malls and their eternally full parking lots.

...I had to tolerate mad and reckless Malaysian drivers.

...I sat down in the living room in the morning reading The Star newspaper.

...I enjoyed doing all the things in Malaysia which I can't really recall now.

Ah... Malaysia...
posted by azreey
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