Thursday, January 12, 2006,12:41 AM
Singapore through a camera lense - a photoblog
To me, Singapore is a nice place to visit but not exactly the first place to stay unless I'm working there. It embodies the orderly and efficient network of infrastructure that Malaysians dream of having in KL, JB and elsewhere. That puts our chaotic buses and slow KTM Komuters to shame. Anyway, the days I spent in Singapore last month were mainly along the busy Orchard Road, as "some" shopping had to be done. Nevertheless, other places like Bugis Street, Clarke Quay were not forgotten. And despite the lousy pool center we visited, the money spent on things which doesn't last long, taking the last MRT train every single night and the aching feet, it was an amazing and unforgettable week. What a way to close the book on 2005.

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A sign that will surely catch the attention of a smoker...

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A hawker center smack right in the middle of downtown Singapore. Check out the details on the columns and roof supports.

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HDB flats... No private driveway, no private backyard, and with little space within.

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Something that will never happen to Klang and Gombak River, the riverfront of Clarke Quay is filled with chic restaurants and some nice bars. Hooters is here too, something that we'll probably won't get in KL.

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Old colonial shops and modern hanging canopies. The fusion between these two in Clarke Quay seems rather suitable and fits the surroundings pretty well.

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A long and lonely corridor in Clarke Quay.

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Like a rising hot air baloon, the form of these coverings or canopies which shelter the streets below at Clarke Quay is accentuated even more with the clever use of red and yellow lights.

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Cigarettes cost a bomb in Singapore, stock wisely before crossing the border. Plus the health warning and pictures on the boxes take the fun out of smoking...
posted by azreey
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