White cars 'increase aggression'
July 21, 2006
It's not just white-van drivers who are prone to aggressive driving.
A new study shows that drivers of white cars are more likely to speed and be abusive to other drivers.
The study was carried out by Churchill Car Insurance and shows that the average driver of a white car exceeds the motorway speed limit by 12.7mph.
If you want to calm down, try a silver or green car, because these tend to be driven by cool and balanced people.
Hmm.. I used to drive a silverish grey car. I guess that's the reason why Honda paints their sports version of cars white, to put the driver in a "killing spree mode".So, the next time you see a white car speeding past you recklessly, give the driver a break, splash some red paint on their cars and make their day less stressed.
White isn't so pure after all..