PAS, a party that specializes in coming up with dumbf***ed statements and churning out retardedly-desperate politicians, has done it again. And their topic again revolves around women, a long time ago they said that "pretty" women shouldn't work and serve their husbands instead, saying that widowed women trying to make a living "horny", where's the respect? If they can't respect other people, how are they suppose to respect themselves and most importantly, Islam. Few weeks ago they claimed that Kongsi Raya or open houses are "UNISLAMIC", then they told us to throw stones at the policemen (that was such brilliant idea, how come no one in Malaysia ever thought of it???), and they tried to take advantage of the Dr M and Pak Lah situation by wooing Dr M to join the opposition and bring in non-Muslims to the party (they just don't realize that they're blatantly doing this just for to win seats in the Parliament. Malaysians are not dumb like orang utans lured by bananas, and that'll only make PAS redundant as an Islamic party, wouldn't it?).
Now, a member of the Kelantan government thinks that foreigners who wanted to make Malaysia their second home also wanted a second Malaysian wife. The person who said this has proudly demonstrated to everyone the wonders of being stupid and the dangers of talking without any sense and facts. They're a notch lower than bimbos in terms of ignorance and intelligent remarks. These guys represent the mental dark ages of Malaysians and seem to know about everything under the blue sky and know what's good for us. Well, if they're treating us like a bunch of idiots, lets treat them the same way.
What bizzare PAS-word next?