Tuesday, November 09, 2004,4:04 AM
One week into another 4 more years of "Semak"
"Semak" means bush or shrub in Malay, and many in Malaysia would know, "semak" consists of mainly weeds and other unwanted species of plants. Hated by many and no matter how people try to eradicate them, their tough genes (strenghtened by us humans thanks to our pesticides and crap) will somehow laugh back in our faces. This is what i think of Bush, almost all other nations on this planet disagrees with what Bush has in store for irs foreign policy, albeit the fact that UK and Australia are just too stupid too realize that following Bush might lead into a bigger pile of mess, but fortunately, some sense went into John Howard's head few days ago and he admitted he had brought Australia deeper into the ravine (although we have yet to see his better side of decision making)... Just like a "semak", Bush laughs back at those who wants him to pack his bags and return to Texas for good by winning another term (thankfully, no more reruns of the the hoo-haa's of the previous election).

What do 50 million Americans see in George "Dubya" Bush? Have they failed to realize that Bush had not rectified the Kyoto Protocol to protect the very air we breathe (Putin of Russia signed it few days ago)? Bush's oil connections to the Saudis? Or the fact that more than a thousands Americans have died in Iraq and many more will die? And why can't they give Kerry a chance? Maybe America will be better under him, or worse, who knows? And Ralph Nader is there since the 2000 elections to just buat pasal.. I think most Americans are oblivious to all those foreign policies and issues as well as.... well, why would they give a f*** about the world? America itself is a planet, everything's there, oil, big cars and big dumb blondes for the men to feast their eyes on. Their way of life is so contagious, everyone's affected... And what about Osama? Wny tackle Saddam when Osama is running around like some kid playing hide and seek with a bunch of blind retards for three goddamn years? I know Saddam has been a bad guy in his own country and the Iraqis are thankful to the Americans to liberate their nation from that sadistic ruler. But it ends there, i once heard on CNN that an Iraqi thanked the Americans for doing that and thats it, thanks for all your help and now leave us. Well, i think the Americans should have given the job of being Iraq's nanny to the UN, but noooo.... Bush has other agendas... His little friend below him, Cheney, owns Halliburton, an oil and gas company, from here just let imagination take over you. You know where this is going...

And there's the age old dilemma on how to make the Israelis and Palestinians hugs each other. What the f*** is wrong with them? Yitzhak Rabin managed to control things during the Clinton years but unfortunately was assassinated by left-wing Zionists. And poor old Yasser Arafat, now in a coma in a Paris hospital, after all those years still unable to come to an agreement with the Jews. The world sympathizes the Jews during the holocaust in WWII, why cant we do the same for the Palestinians? Are we too scared to tackle the Jews who are considered to be very intelligent and deceiving? Maybe.. And the pathetic Moslem community cant even come together and do something about it, especially the Arabs, who are too stubborn to realize what's goin on (or are they just being like that to protect their interests? Especially those concerning the US of A?)...

Haih... I'm just in the mood to go politik-ing tonight. Just giving my 2 cents on what's going on in our little blue planet. Correct if I'm wrong though, afterall I'm just a human being. =)
posted by azreey
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Monday, November 01, 2004,2:15 AM
Halloween starts in a few minutes.. As a kid, I would be scared of the ghosts (although i do still, a bit), boogie man and such things. But I have better things to be scared of, I have 3 submissions and a presentation this week and I'm still chiling here in my room sitting in front of a computer typing this out. Now that's scary. And its that time of the year again, when all Moslems in this world "cleanse" themselves and Im suppose to be a good Moslem. Well, to certain extent, I have been a good one, let God be the judge of this. Nothing much to say tonight, feeling a bit tired and stressed about the things I have to do.. Sleepless Ramadhan nights, here i come.

posted by azreey
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